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Am I being clingy? Just tell me. I thought we were ‘friends’

July 3, 2012

Clingy BusinessesThere is a fine line between being active/cool on social media and acting clingy/ needy. As companies begin to over use (abuse) social media and try to entice their fans, consumers recognize exactly what they are doing and don’t exactly appreciate it (see cartoon above). It is like a bad girlfriend/boyfriend who needs interaction 24/7 so they feel a sense of purpose.

It is possible that the best way to entice loyalty is no longer to make a social media page (aka an extension of the company web page) and make sure everyone likes it and follows the tweets. The next way that companies could inspire loyalty without coming off desperate may be using a mobile platform. However in order to have a sense of cool and not be needy the mobile app must be specifically designed for each brand and their loyalty needs.

Do you think it is even possible to walk that fine line with the 24/7 news feed or does fan interaction scare you a little bit? Is there a sense of obsession? What is the best way for businesses to interact with their fans?

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