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Plug Now Offers Free Registration Service for Free Events!

January 9, 2012

Initially, we designed Plug as a check-in service that was used on top of other registration systems.  Though we saw great traction with Plug at a lot of events, we knew we could do better.  So, we’ve eliminated the need for a separate registration system for free events

Event organizers can now use Plug to register attendees, enabling the full power of Plug’s social features!  Attendees get better networking opportunities, a social hub, and easy access to real-time event updates.  Able to network and share content before, during and after the event, participants have a much better experience than when a traditional registration system is used.

If you host free events of any size, consider using Plug for registration.  It’s free and offers your attendees a buzzing community with exciting opportunities!  Organizers can find out more and sign up here.

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