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How to Get Started on PLUG and Guide to PLUG Features

August 5, 2011

This is a guide for new users, to help you get signed up properly and get the most out of using Plug.

Once you’re signed up, be sure to find the events you’re going to and “Check In” for them, posting a shout-out that describes what you’re offering and/or what you’re seeking.  Help yourself by getting the word out!

Search attendees by keyword or get automatically “Matched” with others.  Send messages to interesting people to plan meetings.  Connect with people on Plug as you meet them (or after the event) to share your digital business card and send invitations to connect on LinkedIn with a single click!  You can also share your opinions and event happenings on Plug, twitter, facebook and/or LinkedIn in one step!

Detailed steps to PLUG In and connect:

  1. If you are provided a event link, click the “Check In” button on that web page.  Otherwise, visit  PC/Mac users will be shown the website.  iPhone/Android users will be given the app download.  Other mobile users will be shown the mobile web.
  2. If you have a LinkedIn account, click the “Sign up with LinkedIn” button. Otherwise, you can “Sign up with facebook” or “Sign Up” manually, without a network.  Signing up with a network automatically populates your Plug profile from that network, and enables sharing.
  3. If signing up with LinkedIn or facebook, enter your credentials for the network and click the Authorize or Allow button.  Ensure pop-ups are enabled for
  4. Populate the required fields and follow the instructions displayed.  Before logging in a second time, you need to click the account confirmation linksent to you via e-mail.  See the Plug FAQ’s for solutions to common problems.
  5. Connect your twitter, LinkedIn and facebook accounts under Settings, to enable sharing and connecting on those networks.
  6. On mobile, find the events you’re attending under Events -> Nearby, or Search for the event.  On the web, browse the list of events on the home page, or Search.
  7. Check In” for your events and post a “Shout-Out” to tell others you’re going, what you’re offering, and/or what you’re seeking at the event.
  8. Navigate to “Attendees/People” and browse them or Search by keyword to find people you want to meet (top-right button).  Tap the “Matched” tab to filter on people who are similar to you or have contacts in common with you.  Tap the “In Common” bar for an attendee to see who the mutual contacts are.
  9. View profiles of interesting people and click/tap the “Meet” button to request a meeting or click/tap the “Send Message” button to send a secure, private message.
  10. View “Sponsors” and “Exhibitors” to view their profiles.  Click/tap the company name for details.  Click/tap the “Contact” link (when available) to view the sponsor/exhibitor contact’s profile, where you can request a meeting with (“Meet“) or send an inquiry to (“Send Message“) the Sponsor/Exhibitor.
  11. Under “Attendees/People”, find people you’ve met at the event and tap/click “Connect” (apps) or “Add as Contact” (website) to connect with them and share your digital business card (includes e-mail and phone #).
  12. After the event, browse the “Attendees/People” once more and make sure you Connect with the people you met. Accept or Decline connection invitations from others under Contacts or Home (Apps) or Inbox->Requests (website).
  13. Once connected with new contacts on Plug, use the Plug website to:
    1. Connect on LinkedIn
      1. Send a LinkedIn connection request from either your Contacts list or the Leaderboard for the event, which lists your stats and contacts from that event.  Click the “Invite on LinkedIn” link, type a personal message, and click OK.
    2. Import Digital Business Cards
      1. Click the “Download vCard” link under Contacts. Open this .vcf file in Outlook or other contact management software to add the person to your address book.  To add the contact to online services, use their “import contacts” feature and upload the file.  For Google/Gmail, see here.

Explore other Plug features from any Event page/screen:

Participate in Conversations

Tap/click “Wall” from the menu or navigation bar and:

  • SEE What People Are Saying under the default view (“All”).  Reply to or ReTweet posts by tapping the icons shown.
  • Tap “Official” to view important posts from the event organizer.
  • Tap “Tweets” to monitor your personal twitter feed (twitter must be connected under Settings) and Reply to or ReTweet posts.
  • SHARE your shout-outs, opinions and event happenings by tapping the Post button. Post to Plug and optionally, to social networks you’ve connected under Settings (twitter, LinkedIn, facebook).  Type a post of < 140 characters, check off which networks you want to share on, and click Post.  Note: The event #hashtag is automatically added for you and should be kept for event-related posts to social networks.

Connect with Contacts

Tap on “Checked In Contacts” to see if you have any contacts from Plug, LinkedIn or facebook attending the event.

Plan Your Day

Tap/click “Agenda” from the menu or navigation bar to see a list of sessions. Tap/click on a session to see details including Description and Locations.

Get Directions

Tap on the venue name (next to the map icon) to get directions to the venue using the GPS/maps app of your choice on your smartphone.

Monitor Twitter Event Feed
Tap on the event #HashTag to see all recent twitter posts related to the event (may contain event posts from non-Plug users).
Get More Info
Tap/click the “Event Website” link to view more event information and a list of registered attendees (if available).

Give Feedback

Tap/click “Polls” from the menu or navigation bar to take Polls and see the results.  Tap/click the Poll, select your answer, optionally add a Comment with your feedback to the event organizer, and tap Submit.

Compete for Recognition & Prizes

Check In, Share, send Messages, Connect and take Polls for your event to earn points and become the Sharaholic (top sharer on social media), Connectaholic (top connector) or Plugaholic (overall most active user) of the event!

From the Event Details page on the Plug website, click the Leaderboard tab to see your stats and score, compared to other active users.  The Leaderboard shows the ten most active users and may be on display at your event.  Your event organizer/host may offer prizes for active users. 

ANDROID TIP: Click the Menu button (usually bottom-left) to access app features for Events.

If you need any assistance with Plug, e-mail support “at”

Please e-mail your feedback to: contact “at”

Thanks for using PLUG!

– The Mobinett Team

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