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Great Response from People Plugging In at Recent Networking Events!

April 11, 2011

Women Building ConnectionsMobinett Interactive recently partnered with Women Building Connections for their Mega Mixer networking event, with almost 200 ladies in attendance, representing over 20 local women’s business organizations!  This was a great audience of serious networkers!

Nancy Cantor conducted an interactive presentation on “Maximizing Your Networking Efforts”.  She asked the women to take 2 minutes to think about what they wanted out of the event, and what kinds of people they wanted to connect with.  Then, she called a few of the women up to the front to convey their message to the audience using the microphone.  This was awesome fodder for our pitch for Plug later on!  The ladies were intrigued, as we told them about Plug, and how they could use it to broadcast their message to others at the event, as well as find the people they need to connect with by searching attendees’ profiles for keywords.

Metrowest Networking GroupWeNetworked Events also recently supported awesome networking events hosted by Metrowest Networking Group and Networked Events, two of Boston’s most popular networking groups.  They usually have 100-200 experienced networkers on hand, who generally try to meet as many people as they can at the events.  Why?  Since they’re not targeting who to meet, they have to meet a lot of people to make one significantly relevant connection.

Numerous attendees registered for Plug and told us they plan to use it at future events, especially for networking.  The networkers loved Plug’s ability to save time by connecting them with relevant people at these events.  They also appreciated using Plug to broadcast their messages to fellow attendees about what they’re offering and what they need.  The most popular request we heard from people is that they want Plug on Blackberry.  We don’t have a release date for that yet, but it’s coming soon!

Mobinett Interactive would like to thank Gita Joshi and Megan McAvoy from Women Building Connections, Nathan Therrien from Metrowest Networking, and Dan Edmonds from Networked Events, for inviting us to their awesome networking events and for supporting Plug.  We look forward to Plugging everyone in at future events hosted by these amazing groups!

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